The pituitary gland is a pea-sized gland at the base of the brain that is responsible for making hormones that affect growth and the functions of other glands in the body. That's why it has been called the "master control gland." If the pituitary gland does not function properly, several conditions may result.


This condition is typically the result of a non-cancerous pituitary gland tumor. The tumor can cause overproduction of growth hormones. In adults, acromegaly causes the hands, feet and face to become larger than normal. Possible treatments include surgery to remove the tumor, medicines and radiation therapy.

Diabetes Insipidus

This causes frequent urination. As a result of the thirst, a person may take in excessive liquid, leading to frequent urination. The urine may be almost all water.

Diabetes insipidus is different from type 1 diabetes and also less common. However, the symptoms can be similar. Your Ohio State doctor can determine whether you have diabetes insipidus and its cause by conducting urine and blood tests. Treatment will depend on the cause of you condition and may include medication.

Pituitary Tumors

Pituitary tumors are common and often don’t cause health problems. In fact, many people with pituitary tumors never even know they have them. However, the most common type of pituitary tumor produces hormones that can disrupt the hormonal balance in your body and lead to endocrine disorders such as Cushing’s Syndrome and hyperthyroidism.

Symptoms of pituitary tumors include:

  • Headaches
  • Vision problems
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Problems related to the production of too many hormones

Treatment for pituitary tumors may include surgery, medication, radiation or chemotherapy.

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Hala Mualla, MD
4.9 out of 5

Hala Mualla, MD

  • Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism
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Clinical Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine

Accepting new patients
  • Outpatient Care Dublin
  • Diabetes and Endocrinology in Outpatient Care Dublin
(614) 685-3333
Raheela Khawaja, MD
4.7 out of 5

Raheela Khawaja, MD

  • Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism
  • Physician

Associate Professor of Internal Medicine

Accepting new patients
  • Outpatient Care New Albany
  • Outpatient Care East
  • Endocrinology in Outpatient Care East
  • Endocrinology and Diabetes in Outpatient Care New Albany
(614) 685-3333
Elizabeth Buschur, MD

Elizabeth Buschur, MD

  • Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism
  • Physician

Associate Professor of Internal Medicine

Accepting new patients
  • Outpatient Care Upper Arlington
  • McCampbell Outpatient Care
  • Outpatient Care Dublin
  • Diabetes and Endocrinology in Outpatient Care Dublin
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology in McCampbell Outpatient Care
(614) 685-3333

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Suite 2026
Columbus, OH 43203
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