Acupuncture involves stimulation of precisely defined points on the skin using either a thin needle or massage and pressing.
Acupuncture involves stimulation of precisely defined points on the skin using either a thin needle or massage and pressing.
Ayurveda, the world's oldest and most complete system of natural health care, is a holistic approach that utilizes comprehensive lifestyle interventions and natural therapies.
Chiropractic care is the relationship between the spine and how the body’s structure functions.
Guided imagery practices help guide you to a clear, relaxed, and more focused state.
Mind-body therapies use the interactions between the mind and body to manage stress and promote health.
Learn to build resiliency and manage stress by incorporating mindfulness into your everyday busy life.
At Ohio State, we provide nutritional dietary counseling, offer education opportunities and incorporate the latest research about diet into our personalized care.
Therapeutic massage relieves pain, stress and reduces anxiety while promoting wellbeing.
Yoga combines meditation, posture and breathing techniques to relieve stress, reduce pain and boost mood and confidence.
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