During your stay, our promise to you is simple: Every day, we’ll work to provide a safe environment, the highest standard of personalized care and the information and answers you deserve.

We want you to feel as comfortable as possible, feeling cared for both physically and emotionally.

Looking for information before your visit?

Let's work together for the best care


Tell us your full medical history

  • Report all medicinesyou take, including prescription and over-thecounter medicines, vitamin and mineral supplements and herbals.
  • Don’t take any medicines you brought from home and don’t keep any medicines in your hospital room.
  • Tell us about any food or medicine allergies.

Please be patient with our repetitive questions and ID bracelet checks

  • We’ll repeat the same questions or check your ID bracelet again and again, but this is to ensure your safety, especially when we’re giving medication or starting a procedure.

Help us control infection

  • Clean hands are the single most important tool in preventing infections.
  • Wash your hands each time you return to your room, after touching objects or surfaces, before and after eating and after using the restroom.
  • If we forget, remind any staff member to clean their hands each time they enter your room. Same goes for your visitors.

Stay in your room or nearby

  • Remaining in or close to your room helps us make sure you get the medicine, tests, procedures or consultations you need safely and on time. If you have to leave the unit area, please let your nurse or another member of your care team know.

Please call; don’t fall

  • Please use your call button. You aren’t bothering us. If you want to get out of bed, we can help you get up and move about the room safely. If you need any items or equipment in your room, we’re happy to bring them to you so you can remain in bed.

Ask questions

  • Whether you want to know more about your diagnosis, procedures, treatments, medications or anything else about your health, we’re here with answers.
  • If you notice a sudden change in your loved one's condition or behavior, please notify a nurse. If you don't feel a nurse or doctor is responding to your concerns, call the Early Response Team (ERT). ERT members are specially trained to check on patients and support the nurse who is providing care. They're available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling 614-366-9400.

Tell us about any pain or discomfort

  • Our nurses can help with pain management.

Participate in every discussion

  • This is your health and your hospital stay. Make sure you understand and agree with every aspect of your care.
  • Ask your nurse and doctor to visit you together to help enhance communication.

Let us know if you need anything


Help us prevent bed sores

  • Pressure ulcers or bed sores happen when the skin and tissue under it are damaged by pressure. These can happen anywhere on the body and are most common on bony/firm areas such as the tailbone, hips, elbows, ears, heels and ankles. Your nurse will work with you to help prevent pressure ulcers. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your nurse.
    • Change your position every two to four hours to keep pressure off any one spot.
    • Keep your skin clean and dry.
    • Check your skin often for redness or ask someone else to check difficult-to-see spots.
    • Put moisturizing lotion on your skin often.
    • Use a cushion to reduce pressure in chairs or wheelchairs.

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