Bariatric surgery can be one of the best ways to help you lose weight — but it isn’t a quick fix. You’ll have to make significant changes to your lifestyle and eating habits that last forever. We don’t minimize these challenges. It’s why Ohio State offers a variety of postsurgery support services. We want you to succeed in meeting your goal.

Heading home with a plan

When you’re released to go home after bariatric surgery, we’ve already got your next steps ready. Based on the latest scientific understanding of weight loss, we’ll talk with you about your goals and map out a plan that targets your biggest barriers, fears and health concerns.

All you have to do is trust in the plan and rely on your team at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. If you do, we’re confident you’ll reach your goals and maybe even surprise yourself along the way.

Postsurgery services

Whatever your challenge, we have a program that can help you develop — and keep — healthier habits for life.

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