After surviving a stroke, most patients and their families wonder what their lives will look like moving forward.

The Comprehensive Stroke Center at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center has a number of programs and specialty providers to care for you in the weeks and months following your stroke.

From helping you regain functions in an inpatient setting with our stroke rehabilitation program to managing medical complications at our outpatient stroke clinic, we’re here to support your life post-stroke.

Getting her life back after stroke: Olivia's Story

Olivia never thought she would experience a stroke at 20 years old. What started as a really bad headache, Olivia and her care team share the story of the day she was rushed the Ohio State's Wexner Medical Center.

When does after-stroke care start?

A typical length of stay in the hospital following a stroke is five to seven days. Often, rehabilitation will start while you’re still in the hospital, as soon as 24 to 48 hours after arriving.

While our immediate priority is stabilizing the stroke and any life-threatening conditions, the sooner we can begin rehabbing you, the better chance you’ll have of recovering abilities you might have lost because of the stroke.

Once you’re stable, our rehabilitation team of neurologists, physical medicine and rehabilitation physicians and psychiatrists will craft an individualized recovery plan that will help you get back to life as quickly as possible.

Nurses, physical and occupational therapists, speech pathologists and other medical providers will start daily therapy sessions even before you’re discharged.

These therapy sessions not only help determine what areas of your body were affected by the stroke and the extent of the damage, but they also jump-start the recovery process.

Areas that might experience long-term effects from stroke are:

  • Cognitive: memory loss or difficulty speaking
  • Physical: weakness or paralysis
  • Emotional: mood swings, depression or anxiety
  • Fatigue and sleeping issues

Ohio State’s stroke rehabilitation program gets you back on your feet

The severity of stroke complications and each person’s ability to recover can vary greatly.

However, no matter the circumstances, a strong rehabilitation plan is key to that recovery and getting you back to safely living independently and participating in your community.

People who participate in a focused stroke rehabilitation program have a faster and better recovery.

With Ohio State’s unparalleled stroke rehabilitation program, patients get individualized treatment plans tailored to them, which can include inpatient and outpatient services and care from specialists from a variety of support service areas.

Stroke rehabilitation at Ohio State can focus on:

  • Stimulating the brain to change, adapt and reorganize itself
  • Exercising to help improve strength, swallowing, communication and thinking
  • Enhancing skills needed to perform daily activities, like bathing or preparing meals
  • Developing strategies to compensate for lost abilities
  • Adapting leisure activities for enhanced quality of life

Our stroke clinic can help manage complications and prevent future strokes

At Ohio State’s stroke clinic, our stroke neurologists provide ongoing outpatient care for people across Ohio and the region who have experienced a stroke.

Along with providers in our rehabilitation program, we can help prevent conditions common in stroke survivors, such as spastic arm. We’ll also help you to overcome depression and manage stress brought on by the changes stroke has brought to your life.

Most importantly, the clinic will work with you to determine if you’re at high risk for a second stroke and help manage those risk factors, like diabetes, high blood pressure or obesity.

Resources and support groups for stroke patients and caregivers

Another important tool to your care following a stroke might be meeting others who have been recovering from a stroke.

The Central Ohio Aneurysm, AVM and Hemorrhagic Stroke Support Group is intended for patients and loved ones who want to learn more about recovery, learn coping skills, discuss the emotional impacts of stroke and support others.

If you’re interested in learning more about the support group, contact or 614-293-8714.

For other support resources, visit the American Stroke Association for a variety of support groups as well as tips and advice for caregivers.

Learn more about stroke

Our Stroke Providers

Our Stroke Providers

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Andrew Slivka, MD
4.8 out of 5

Andrew Slivka, MD

  • Neurology
  • Physician

Professor of Neurology

Accepting new patients
  • Martha Morehouse Outpatient Care
  • Outpatient Care Gahanna
  • Outpatient Care Dublin
  • Neurology in Outpatient Care Dublin
  • Neurology in Outpatient Care Gahanna
  • Neurology in Martha Morehouse Outpatient Care
(614) 293-4969
James Burke, MD

James Burke, MD

  • Neurology
  • Physician

Professor of Neurology

Accepting new patients
(614) 293-4969
Jan Bittar, MD

Jan Bittar, MD

  • Neurology
  • Neurocritical Care
  • Physician

Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurology

Accepting new patients
(614) 293-4969

Our Locations


in Martha Morehouse Outpatient Care
2050 Kenny Road
Pavilion 3rd Floor Suite 3100
Columbus, OH 43221
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