Like others with epilepsy, you didn’t cause your condition of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). While that may give you some comfort, we know that doesn’t lessen the challenge of seizures, so we’ll work with you to find answers and get your seizures under better control.

  • Almost 25% of all temporal lobe seizures are due to unknown causes.
  • Sometimes TLE is the result of scarring in the temporal lobe following brain injury, a severe blow to the head or brain abnormalities that people are born with.
  • It’s also possible for TLE to develop following a brain infection, such as meningitis or encephalitis, as well as from brain vessel abnormalities, such as arteriovenous malformations or brain conditions like tumors, strokes or dementia.
  • Although there’s more research needed, genetic mutations or a family history of TLE may also play a role.

Learn about the symptoms of TLE

Learn more about epilepsy

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